Samhain in Business

This ancient feast of honouring the dead is found throughout the world in many different forms…
Celebrating those who have gone before, and remembering their stories.
Throughout history, ancestors have played an important role in many cultural practices.
What I love about our modern times is that science is discovering what many indigenous teachings already incorporated.
For example: it has been known for some years now, that lived experiences can have a profound effect on the individual’s genes… that are then passed on to their children.
This means we literally carry our ancestors’ memories with us. Wether we consciously work with them or not.
This year has been a trying time for many of us. Not unlike what many of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents lived through in their youth (world wars, economic crises, fights for equality, to name a few).
So, when you’re working through the fears and anxieties that come up, it’s very likely it’s not JUST your own experiences that surface.
At this night of Samhain, look back over the past months. The veils are thin, and if you focus, you can feel the support and hear the whispers of your ancestors guide you. They are there, always, helping you along.
Burn some incense, visit a favourite place in nature, or take a long nurturing bath if you want, to aid you in this ritual.
What thoughts come up through the darkness? What fears arise? Maybe it’s about money. About letting people in. About reaching out. About working together. About standing up for your beliefs.
Every fear we have is an invitation to grow. To be brave. To rise up.
Go a little deeper, and ask yourself: what memories are you carrying with you, that help you along? Don’t think about it, just let the answer come to you. What wisdom have your ancestors blessed you with? Which path have they brought you towards? Which changes have they given you the strength to make?
Let it pulse through you. Feel your roots grow deeper with every breath, and feel the tingle of connection shiver over your skin. Those who have gone before are here to guide you.
Let their love carry you on.