11 Aug

Samhain in Business

This ancient feast of honouring the dead is found throughout the world in many different forms…Celebrating those who have gone before, and remembering their stories. Throughout history, ancestors have played an important role in many cultural
11 Aug

Samhain in Business

This ancient feast of honouring the dead is found throughout the world in many different forms…Celebrating those who have gone before, and remembering their stories. Throughout history, ancestors have played an important role in many cultural
31 Oct


Tegenwoordig kennen we Halloween vooral als steeds meer commercieel wordend verkleedpartijtje. Net als Sinterklaas en Kerst heeft Halloween een heidense oorsprong. Eeuwen geleden al vierden de bewoners van deze contreien Samhain, Samhuinn, Allerzielen, Allerheiligen... Met andere woorden: het feest van