Wanna work together?

Currently I’m based in The Netherlands, near Utrecht. However, through the miracles of the World Wide Web, I’m available for online services wherever you currently find yourself. 


Send me an email through the contact form, or mail me at kayleigh @ thewildentrepreneur.com.

Or, find me on any of these socials:

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My Wish For You

Gorgeous, please feel free to be as wild as you are. May you remember you are a child of the Universe, just as the trees and the stars. May you know, deep within your bones, that you have a right to be here, just as you are. You and your beautiful gifts deserve to be seen and to be shared with the world. Exactly as you want them to be – whether it’s on a giant stage with blinding lights, speaking to 50.000 people… or whether it’s in a cozy soft-lit chamber of your house, coaching your client one on one. 

Make your art. Share your gifts. Speak your truth. 

Trust your Wild Soul. You know the way.